Sponsorship Opportunities

The work that the LIFE House for Animals accomplishes would not be possible without generous sponsors like you! We welcome both business owners and individuals to join us in our mission by becoming a sponsor!

If you are ready to sponsor, click on the plan you'd like to participate in and complete the transaction! Once complete, please contact Dawn at dawn@lifehouse4animals.org for a formal welcome to the family!

For more information about sponsorship or to schedule a meeting, feel free to reach out to Dawn Welch, President and Fundraiser, at dawn@lifehouse4animals.org!

White And Grey Modern Cat With Dog Pet Care & Services (Facebook Post)

Adoptable Pet One Time Sponsorship

$ 100.00
  • Be the sponsor of an adoptable dog or cat! For your $100 will help to cover the cost of care for the animal while in our shelter. Your business name and/or logo will be shared on our social media each time we promote the animal you've selected! We guarantee 3 posts for your $100 sponsorship but some depending on length of stay, some get more! Our social media account has @10,000 followers and can reach over 100,000 people with one post!

Adoptable Pets Monthly Sponsorship

$250.00 per month
  • Be the sponsor of a different adoptable dog or cat each month! Your $250 per month will help to cover the cost of care for the animal while in our shelter. Your business name and/or logo will be shared on our social media each time we promote the animal you've selected! Each week, we will (1) bring a different adoptable animal to your business for a photo session and visit with your employees. You can share these photos on your social media page in addition to them being shared on ours! OR (2) We will send you photos of a different adoptable animal each week for you to share in any way you wish in addition to us sharing them and tagging you as their sponsor. Our social media account has @10,000 followers and can reach over 100,000 people with one post!
White And Grey Modern Cat With Dog Pet Care & Services (Poster)

Goods and Services Sponsorship

  • Be a sponsor of the shelter by offering goods or services for free or at a reduced rate. You will be recognized on our active social media and on our website as a sponsor of the shelter! Our social media account has @10,000 followers and can reach over 100,000 people with one post! Because we are on a non-profit, we work very hard to funnel as much of our donation base directly to the animals but we still have overhead costs that we have to cover as well. If you have a service that you can provide at a greatly reduced price, we would love to talk to you!
Fit With Fido May 2024 - Facebook Event Cover (2)

Get Fit with Fido Sponsorship

$ 100.00
  • Sponsor our most popular dog promotional event, Get Fit with Fido! This program provides the public an opportunity to come by and take a dog out of the shelter for a nice, long walk or invigorating run! We typically see a minimum of 50 local people during each session of this program which runs from May-September. Your sponsorship will be used to provide the walkers supplies to properly care for the dog while on the walk (water bowls, water, treats, clean up bags, etc), and to support other mission centric needs of the LIFE House for Animals. Your logo would be featured in all program advertising, displayed prominently at the event and added to the sponsorship portion of our website.

Get Fit with Fido "BIG DOG" Sponsorship

  • You'll be the BIG DOG Sponsor of our most popular dog promotional event, Get Fit with Fido! This program provides the public an opportunity to come by and take a dog out of the shelter for a nice, long walk or invigorating run! We typically see a minimum of 50 local people during each session of this program which runs from May-September. Your sponsorship will be used to provide the walkers supplies to properly care for the dog while on the walk, a promotional souvenir for attendees and to support other mission centric needs of the LIFE House for Animals. Your logo would be featured in all program advertising, on the promotional item, displayed prominently at the event and added to the sponsorship portion of our website.
Winter 2025

Check Me Out Sponsorship

$ 100.00
  • Sponsor our most popular dog promotional event, Check Me Out! This program provides the public an opportunity to come by and take a dog out of the shelter for a nice, long walk or other fun activity! We typically see a minimum of 50 local people during each session of this program which runs during the Fall and Winter months. Your sponsorship will be used to provide those checking out a dog the supplies to properly care for the dog while out and about (water bowls, water, treats, clean up bags, etc), and to support other mission centric needs of the LIFE House for Animals. Your logo would be featured in all program advertising, displayed prominently at the event and added to the sponsorship portion of our website.

Check Me Out "BIG DOG" Sponsorship

$ 250.00
  • You'll be the BIG DOG Sponsor of our most popular dog promotional event, Check Me Out! This program provides the public an opportunity to come by and take a dog out of the shelter for a nice, long walk or other fun outing! We typically see a minimum of 50 local people during each session of this program which runs in the Fall and Winter months. Your sponsorship will be used to provide those checking out a dog, supplies to properly care for the dog while on the walk or other fun outing a promotional souvenir for attendees and to support other mission centric needs of the LIFE House for Animals. Your logo would be featured in all program advertising, on the promotional item, displayed prominently at the event and added to the sponsorship portion of our website.
Coffee w Cats & Donuts w Dogs - Facebook Event Cover

Coffee with Cats Sponsorship

$ 100.00
  • Sponsor our new weekend program, Coffee with Cats! We invite the public in for a face to face visit with our adoptable cats, have some coffee and learn more about the shelter! Sponsorship funds will be used to provide coffee and donuts in addition to other mission specific needs. For your sponsorship, your logo will appear on all advertising related to your sponsored event and on our website's general sponsorship page.

Donuts with Dogs Sponsorship

$ 100.00
  • Sponsor our new weekend program, Donuts with Dogs! We invite the public in for a face to face visit with our adoptable dogs, have a donut and learn more about the shelter! Sponsorship funds will be used to provide coffee and donuts in addition to other mission specific needs. For your sponsorship, your logo will appear on all advertising related to your sponsored event and on our website's general sponsorship page.
June 6 Doggy Book Club (3)

Doggy Book Club Activities Sponsorship

$ 100.00
  • You'll be the activities Sponsor of our Doggy Book Club! This program provides the youth of varied ages an opportunity to come by and practice their reading skills by reading to a dog or cat! Dogs and cats don’t judge if you struggle with reading or read like a pro, they just love the attention! We typically see a minimum of 15 local youth during each session of this program which runs on Thursday mornings, 10am-noon in the months of June and July. Your sponsorship will be used to provide craft supplies, human treats and yummy dog and cat treats to reward our animals for being good listeners! Your logo would be featured in all program advertising, on the promotional item, displayed prominently at the event and added to the sponsorship portion of our website.

Doggy Book Club "Big Dog" Sponsorship

$ 500.00
  • You'll be the BIG DOG Sponsor of our Doggy Book Club! This program provides the youth of varied ages an opportunity to come by and practice their reading skills by reading to a dog or cat! Dogs and cats don’t judge if you struggle with reading or read like a pro, they just love the attention! We typically see a minimum of 15 local youth during each session of this program which runs on Thursday mornings, 10am-noon in the months of June and July. Your sponsorship will be used to provide age and subject matter appropriate reading materials (stories about dogs and cats, how they affect your life, how to treat animals, etc), stools and mats to sit on while reading and yummy dog and cat treats to reward our animals for being good listeners! Your logo would be featured in all program advertising, on the promotional item, displayed prominently at the event and added to the sponsorship portion of our website.
Colorful Kids Summer Camp Instagram Post (4)

Camp Fido Sponsorship

$ 100.00
  • Be the activities Sponsor of our Youth Summer Camp, Camp Fido! Your sponsorship money will be used to provide craft supplies, dog treats and educational supplies, etc for our campers in addition to meeting the needs of our furry guests. For you sponsorship, you will be the title sponsor of one of our week long camp fido sessions with your name included on all promotional materials!

Camp Fido "Big Dog" Sponsorship

$ 250.00
  • Be the Big Dog Sponsor of our Youth Summer Camp, Camp Fido! Your sponsorship money will be used to provide educational opportunities (speakers, on-site visits), craft supplies, snacks, etc for our campers in addition to meeting the needs of our furry guests. For you sponsorship, you will be the title sponsor of one of our week long camp fido sessions with your name included on all promotional materials!
Fast and Furriest (Facebook Post)

The Fast and the Furriest Sponsorship

$ 100.00
  • Be a sponsor of our super popular fundraiser, The Fast and the Furriest 5K, which raises funds to cover medical costs for our shelter guests! Your sponsorship will include your name/logo on all advertising and signage at the event. You can choose from one of the following race areas to sponsor: Nutrition, Finish Line, T-Shirts, Registration, Race Path Water Station and more! We will use your sponsorship to raise the fun meter at the race and provide for the medical needs of our shelter guests!

The Fast and the Furriest "Big Dog" Sponsorship

$ 250.00
  • Be a “Big Dog” sponsor of our super popular fundraiser, The Fast and the Furriest 5K, which raises funds to cover medical costs for our shelter guests! Your sponsorship will include your name/logo on all advertising and signage at the event as well as being the title sponsor of the event! (The Fast and the Furriest 5K, sponsored by business name) We will use your sponsorship to raise the fun meter at the race and provide for the medical needs of our shelter guests!
Dog Bowl Poster (Facebook Post)

The Dog Bowl Sponsorship

$ 100.00
  • Be a sponsor of our newest fundraising event, The Dog Bowl, which raises funds to cover costs of special feeding needs for our shelter guests! Your sponsorship will include your name/logo on all advertising and signage at the event. We will use your donation to increase registration and purchase fun treats and toys for the doggy guests who accompany us to the event! Your sponsorship will raise the fun meter at our event!

The Dog Bowl "Big Dog" Sponsorship

$ 250.00
  • Be the BIG DOG sponsor of our newest fundraising event, The Dog Bowl, which raises funds to cover costs of special feeding needs for our shelter guests! Your sponsorship will include your name/logo on all advertising and signage at the event and earns you the fun of having your name as part of the title! We will use your donation to increase registration, purchase raffle items and fun treats and toys for the doggy guests who accompany us to the event! Your sponsorship will raise the fun meter at our event!


Please sign up for our newsletter for dog related tips and tricks and to get updates on our dogs & events!